Is Fear Holding You Back?

5 Minute Read

“The human spirit is remarkably resilient, even in damaged and disadvantaged lives and in circumstances where the odds seem hopelessly stacked against you; there is endless potential waiting to be freed.”  Bill Strickland

Back in 2011 I wrote a blog called “It’s Time to Dream.”  based on a book I read at that time by Bill Strickland called “Making the Impossible Possible.”  It is still one of my favorite books and its message is timeless.  Bill Strickland taught me that going after our dreams is scary and hard.  He also allowed me to see places where I had convinced myself that I lacked the capacity to make my dreams come true. 

I hope by reading this page taken directly from his book, you will be moved like I was, and at the end, will have the courage to ask yourselves some hard questions and start moving, even with one small step in the direction God has called you.

“The human spirit is remarkably resilient, even in damaged and disadvantaged lives and in circumstances where the odds seem hopelessly stacked against you; there is endless potential waiting to be freed.

All of us have the potential to make our dreams come true, one of the greatest obstacles blocking us from realizing that potential is that we believe, or are told, the things we want most passionately are impractical, unrealistic, or somehow beyond our reach. 

It is not about doing things out of selflessness, do it to be you.  You must have a strong belief in your own potential that will allow you to build the life you want to lead. 

I have an unshakable belief that each of us has not only the potential to live a rewarding and purposeful life but also the responsibility to do so.

Authentic success, the kind of success that will enrich your life and enlarge your spirit, the only kind of success that matters, comes from knowing and trusting the deepest aspirations of your heart.

We all suffer some form of poverty—poverty of imagination, or courage, or vision, or will.  We allow ourselves to be limited by our fears—fears of failure, fear of change, fear of being criticized or of looking like a fool.

We all are too easily convinced that we lack the capacity to make our dreams come true.  “Impossible” is a frightening word, but my hope, my goal, is to help each of you find your vision, and the conviction to stand up to it and realize that you can overcome all the obstacles that stand in your path and live the rich, fulfilling, and meaningfully successful life that God planned for us, if we are true to our hearts.”

Take a minute and let that sink in.  Challenge it, consider it and then put your own throughs up against its ideas.  Once you have done this, I want you to answer this question: 


What is my excuse for not fulfilling the work God has called me to do?

Your dream was not created by your own limited imagination.  Instead, it was purposefully planted inside of you by a God that knew your name before you were even born.  A God that chose that your life would be lived right now, at this specific point in history.  A God who has prepared you and a God who will never leave you.   

Listen friends, it is not going to be easy.  In many cases, it is not even going to be possible.  But, it is right.  It is good. And it is alive in you because you were called to move toward it.  So, do it.  Take a deep breath.  Silence the voices in your life that tell you otherwise, and with a firm hold on the God who set your dream inside of you – move.  The world is waiting for you to obey.


If you need help discovering your dream, or identifying the steps to get there, please contact me.  This is what I was born to do and it would be a great honor to help.

Randy Bronkema

President / Author

Randy has a passion to focus his energy on helping men rediscover their “why” or mission. When that passion becomes the central focus of a man’s life it will bring out passion for God, unveil the calling on a person’s life, and show people how to lead others away from their lack of direction and destructive “busyness.” There are two ways to influence human behavior: you can manipulate it or you can inspire it. Randy helps men develop and execute a personal mission that will inspire!

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